
David’s Backstory

The following story was a contribution to my book TAILS by Brett. I made the association after David’s brother Chris mentioned Brett being one of (Tomo) David’s friends. Brett is a friend from the Melbourne Sharps’ days. We are trauma bonded after both Brett and my boyfriend Skeeta were attacked at Ringwood station one night […]

David’s Story

A short story by David Thompson written by his brother Chris from transcripts found in abandoned house reliving his days of his youth whilst in government care as a ward of the state. After various stays at several government boys’ homes David at the age of 11 was sent to Kilmany park. A farm stay […]

The Mole Patrol

The boys in my neighbourhood were dicks. My bestie JJ and I were teased and had railway rocks thrown at us. However that all stopped when I started going out with the toughest boy in Croydon. But that is another story (RIP Thomas T Tucker) Two boys in particular were annoying, I can’t even remember […]

A long time between blogs

Friday, April 25, 2014 The following was my last blog post, written over 10 years ago when I was blogging regularly on I didn’t post after that because the interesting things in my life were my clients and it isn’t ethical to blog about clients. It’s time to start writing again.