The Mole Patrol

The boys in my neighbourhood were dicks. My bestie JJ and I were teased and had railway rocks thrown at us. However that all stopped when I started going out with the toughest boy in Croydon. But that is another story (RIP Thomas T Tucker)

Thomas T Tucker Motherfucker – Croydon Boy 1976

Two boys in particular were annoying, I can’t even remember their names, lol. They called me Rumple, because I had a big nose. And they called JJ Iceberg, they said she was ‘frigid’ because she wasn’t interested in them. She wasn’t frigid. They were ugly. The little fuckers made up a song to sing when we walked past “The mole patrol is leaving, Rumple and Iceberg’.

Me and JJ September 1976

Anyway, the point of this blog post is about my nose. I was teased for having a big nose until I was 21. Maybe after that I’d grown enough that my features were more in proportion.
Last year I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnoea. I won’t bore you with the medical details (I tune out when people tell me about their medical stuff). I was having issues with my mask, which turned out to be caused by a deviated septum. I do remember face planting onto my nose in the playground at Mooroolbark primary school when I was in prep. So today I am off to Melbourne to have corrective surgery. Yuck.
And… The Mole Patrol? I’ve suggested to Renee the director of the short film RAGE that we put Mole Patrol on the back of her crew’s RAGE Tshirts.